
,,,,,2020年10月18日—Answers·Stripedcandiesarethemostusefulsotrytocleartheleftsidefirst.·Getthestripedcandiesintothebestpositiontounlock ...,2021年4月28日—Cansomeonepleasehelp,Iamstuckonlevel2644forthreedaysnow.IhavetriedfollowingvideosonYouTubetopassitbutjustcan't.,Level2644isthe4thlevelinLollipopMeadows(Episode133)andtheunknownthheartlevelinCandyCrushFriendsSaga.Topassthislevel,youmustfill .....

How do I resolve level 2644? I can't crush the blocking ...

2020年10月18日 — Answers · Striped candies are the most useful so try to clear the left side first. · Get the striped candies into the best position to unlock ...

Level 2644

2021年4月28日 — Can someone please help, I am stuck on level 2644 for three days now. I have tried following videos on YouTube to pass it but just can't.

Level 2644 | Candy Crush Friends Wiki

Level 2644 is the 4th level in Lollipop Meadows (Episode 133) and the unknownth heart level in Candy Crush Friends Saga. To pass this level, you must fill ...

Level 2644 | Candy Crush Saga Wiki

Level 2644 is the fourteenth level in Crunchy Comet and the 534th ingredients level. To pass this level, you must release 6 gummi dragons in 25 moves or ...

《Candy Crush Saga 糖果傳奇》2631

2017年7月13日 — Candy Crush Saga level 2644. 2645關:24步內清除果凍與收集1顆食材. 就只看玩家能否順利利用版圖提供的特殊糖果去清除四顆蛋糕而已,可參考影片(6次 ...